miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

trying again...

bueno, no me he portado muy bien con esto y el otro día estaba pensando q debo retomarlo. I´m not too much into logging in on the 1st and 15th of the month but maybe it´s just what I need so I´ll actually do it. Este versículo lo encontré en el libro de Hechos y me encanta:

Porque para vosotros es la promesa, para vuestros hijos, y para todos los que están lejos, para todos los que el Señor llame. Hechos 2.39. Need to ck on the actual reference. But I love it because it speaks to me of how God´s promise IS for everyone, and that in the midst of the hard things Peter was saying to the Jewish people, He was saying, this promise is for YOU. And for all who are far...

Ya tengo mi siguiente versículo: 2 Cor 2.9-10. See you on the 15th GW!!


1 comentario:

  1. You know how it is... you have to figure out what works best for YOU. : ) And, btw, I don't carry my spiral around with me everywhere (though I do occasionally take it somewhere if I'm needing to review it!)... I keep mine propped up somewhere where I'll see it a lot - on my windowsill by my kitchen sink. : ) Do you have somewhere you can post sticky notes or something with your verses on them where you would see them and have time to think about them? The bathroom mirror? : ) I try to make myself write them out whenever I can, cuz it helps me memorize them instead of just cutting and pasting, etc. : )

    And I love that verse, too. : )
